What is Yin Yoga for HPAs?

July 06, 2023


There is one style of yoga that is particularly beneficial for athletes – yin yoga.

Yin is a passive practice where we hold each pose for at least 60 seconds and up to 5-10 minutes. We support ourselves by using props such as straps, blocks and bolsters, so that we can spend longer in the pose with relative comfort.

The main aim is to use as little muscular effort as possible and instead work with gravity to release deeply held tension. The main goal of yin yoga for athletes is to improve flexibility and accelerate recovery. HOW CAN STRETCHING HELP ATHLETES?

Here are four main reasons that athletes need to stretch:

  1. To relieve stiffness so that you feel better, have more energy and recover faster from training.
  2. To improve mobility so that you can get into the most powerful and aerodynamic positions for your sport.
  3. To prevent and alleviate pain caused by muscular imbalances and decreased range of motion.
  4. To keep your muscles strong and supple, which reduces your risk of injury.


We asked Nuala what are the top benefits of Yin yoga and here’s what she said:

There are many profound benefits to establishing a yin practice but here are my top #3 reasons to begin and maintain a regular Yin practice.

  1. Yin is easy and can be deeply pleasant. During your session, you can listen to music, and take the opportunity to unwind tension without distraction. Rarely do we give ourselves the opportunity to fully relax and do nothing and certainly not in positions that are genuinely healthy for our bodies.
  2. Yin yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system.In order for the body to let go of deeply-held tension and repair from the trauma of intense training, it must be in the parasympathetic “rest and digest” mode. The pace of yin yoga and the emphasis on deep, diaphragmatic breathing makes it easy to transition into this state. In yin yoga, that is the goal. We not only aim to release tension in tight muscles but also in our minds, so that we can better manage the stresses and strains of everyday life.
  3. Yin is unparalleled for improving flexibility. FULL STOP!

Did you know that Nuala is on the Cavan Adventure Centre site at Inishmore Studio?  Nuala creates specifically designed Yin yoga classes for high performing athletes to alleviate stiffness and restore healthy range of motion so that you can maximise your training time and fulfil your athletic and fitness potential.

Nuala’s next class is at 6pm on 22nd July.  Email [email protected] for more information and to book.

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