How to make back to school prep an adventure

August 21, 2024

Back to school season can be stressful for both kids and parents, but who says it has to be? With a bit of creativity and a sprinkle of fun, you can turn this annual chore into a family adventure. Whether it’s shopping for supplies, organising school gear, or getting into the right mindset for the term ahead, here are some lighthearted ways to make back-to-school prep something the whole family can look forward to.


Start with a treasure hunt for school supplies


Why not kick things off with a bit of excitement? Instead of dragging your kids through shops, groaning as they pick out boring stationery, turn it into a treasure hunt. Create a list of everything you need, split into categories, and challenge your children to find each item as quickly as possible. Think sustainably and see what you already have at home before you hit the shops. You can even make it competitive – whoever finds all their items first wins a treat of their choice (within reason, of course – no promises of a trip to Disneyland!).


If you’re shopping online, take the treasure hunt digital. Give your kids a budget and let them navigate different websites to find the best deals. Not only does this make shopping fun, but it’s a great lesson in budgeting and decision-making. Plus, they’ll be more excited about their new supplies because they helped choose them.


Create a back-to-school theme party


Who says parties are just for birthdays and holidays? Throw a back-to-school bash to get everyone in the mood. Make the party interactive by including activities like designing your own nametag stickers, creating personalised pencil cases, or making DIY bookmarks. This is also a great way to use up any leftover craft supplies from last term – win-win!


Music is essential for any party, so why not make a playlist of school-themed tunes? Songs like “Another Brick in the Wall” by Pink Floyd or “ABC” by The Jackson 5 will get everyone in the school spirit. Before you know it, your kids will be singing along to the joys of education (at least until the novelty wears off).


Plan a back-to-school fashion show


The first day of school is always a big deal, so why not make it a runway-worthy moment? Let your kids show off their uniforms in a special back-to-school fashion show. Set up a “catwalk” in your living room, complete with music and a cheering audience (that’s you, of course). Snap some photos and you’ve got yourself a mini family album to look back on once they’re all grown up.


Cook up a school lunch taste test


School lunches can get repetitive, so why not experiment with some new options? Host a taste test at home, where you prepare a variety of potential lunches, and let the kids be the judges. You can try different sandwich fillings, snacks, or even creative alternatives like wraps, pasta salads, or homemade sushi rolls.


This is a great way to introduce new foods into their diet, and since they get to play judge, they’re more likely to be open to trying things they might usually turn their noses up at. If you’re feeling really brave, let them have a go at creating their own lunch concoctions. Just be prepared for some very unusual (and potentially inedible) combinations!


Once you’ve got a list of winning lunches, print out a menu for the week and stick it on the fridge. This takes the daily “what am I going to pack today?” panic out of the equation and gives your kids something to look forward to each day.


Make goal-setting a family affair


Getting ready for school isn’t just about the supplies and clothes – it’s also about getting into the right mindset. Help your children start the year off strong by making goal-setting a fun, family-wide event. Gather everyone around the table and talk about what they want to achieve this school year, both academically and personally.


Write down your goals on a big sheet of paper or a chalkboard, so everyone can see what they’re working towards. Maybe one child wants to get better at maths, while another hopes to join a new club. Even parents can join in by setting their own goals, like reading more or finally learning that new skill they’ve been talking about for years.


Hang the goals up somewhere visible, so the family can check in on progress throughout the term. Celebrate small victories along the way with little rewards, like a special treat or a fun family activity. Before you know it, achieving goals will become a part of your family routine.


Wrap it all up with a final adventure


The last few days before school starts can often feel like a countdown to the inevitable, but why not make them count? Plan a final adventure to wrap up the holidays on a high note. It doesn’t have to be extravagant – a day trip to a nearby park, a picnic in the countryside, or a visit to a local museum can all feel special with the right attitude. You could even plan a visit to Cavan Adventure Centre and enjoy kayaking or the waterpark as a family.


Use this outing as a chance to talk about the fun things ahead in the new school year. Remind your kids that every year brings new opportunities, friends, and experiences. By making the end of summer an adventure, you’ll help them see the start of school as the next exciting chapter rather than the end of the holidays.


In the end, back-to-school prep is what you make of it. With a little imagination and a lot of enthusiasm, you can turn it from a dull task into a memorable family adventure. And who knows? You might even start looking forward to it as much as the kids do!

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