How to get the most out of shorter evenings – Adventure style!

September 11, 2024

As the days shorten and evenings darken earlier, it’s easy to feel like our outdoor adventures are limited by the dwindling daylight. However, shorter evenings present a unique opportunity to experience the outdoors in an entirely different way – one filled with twilight, starlight, and the crisp air of autumn and winter. For those who are open to adventure, there are plenty of ways to make the most of these shorter evenings, especially in places like Cavan Adventure Centre, where outdoor fun and exploration are always on offer, regardless of the time of year.


Here’s how you can embrace shorter evenings and turn them into thrilling opportunities for outdoor adventure.


Embrace twilight activities


The beauty of shorter evenings lies in the magic of twilight. That brief window between sunset and nightfall brings with it a distinct atmosphere that can transform outdoor activities into something truly special. One of the best ways to maximise this time is by engaging in activities that benefit from the fading light.


At Cavan Adventure Centre, the backdrop of Lough Oughter and the surrounding landscapes create the perfect environment for water-based adventures such as kayaking or canoeing. Twilight paddling is an exhilarating experience, where you can glide across the calm waters, watching the sun dip below the horizon and feeling the peacefulness of the approaching night.


If you prefer to stay on dry land, an evening hike or a cycle around the trails near Cavan Adventure Centre can be equally rewarding. Remember to bring a headlamp or torch to safely navigate paths once night falls.


Stargazing: A new way to connect with nature


One of the greatest advantages of early evenings in autumn and winter is the opportunity to experience the night sky in all its glory. Stargazing is an adventure that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and abilities, and it offers a moment of calm and reflection after the day’s busyness. With reduced light pollution in rural areas like Cavan, you can marvel at constellations, planets, and even shooting stars on a clear evening.


For those looking to delve deeper into the wonders of the cosmos, keep an eye out for future Dark Skies events at Cavan Adventure Centre. These specially organised stargazing events offer guided tours of the night sky, where you can learn about constellations, the Milky Way, and other celestial wonders. With expert guidance on hand, it’s an incredible way to explore the universe and add a new dimension to your outdoor adventures.


Layer up and prepare for cooler weather


As autumn unfolds, temperatures drop, and the air becomes crisp. However, cooler weather should not deter you from venturing outdoors in the evenings. The key to staying comfortable is proper preparation, and layering is essential when planning outdoor activities in the colder months.


Start with a good base layer to wick away moisture, add a warm insulating layer such as fleece or down, and top it off with a waterproof jacket to keep out the wind and rain. Don’t forget to bring gloves, a hat, and a scarf – warmth is the key to enjoying your evening adventure without distraction. For activities like kayaking or paddleboarding, you might want to invest in a wetsuit or thermal layers designed for water sports. If you’re booking any watersports with us, we’ll provide you with a wetsuit to keep you warm.


Try something new: night-time adventures


Shorter evenings open up a world of night-time adventures that might not be on your radar during the summer months. Whether it’s night hiking, nocturnal wildlife spotting, or taking part in sunset canoe trips, the darkness brings a sense of thrill and excitement to familiar activities. With just a torch and a map, you can explore in a whole new way.



Take advantage of special events at Cavan Adventure Centre


Throughout the year, Cavan Adventure Centre offers a range of special events that take full advantage of the unique setting and the opportunities provided by shorter days. In addition to the upcoming Dark Skies stargazing events, the centre often hosts seasonal activities that make the most of the cooler weather and darker evenings. Our sunset paddles are extremely popular and we’ll be hosting a sunrise yoga session next month too!


While shorter evenings might seem like a reason to stay indoors, they actually offer a wealth of opportunities for adventure, discovery, and connection with the natural world. By embracing twilight activities, layering up for the cold, and exploring the wonders of the night sky, you can make the most of this unique time of year.

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