Cavan Adventure Centre: Leading the Way in Sustainable Tourism 

September 18, 2024

At Cavan Adventure Centre, sustainability is at the heart of everything we do. We are dedicated to making a positive impact on our local environment, and we’re proud to be a part of a growing movement toward sustainable tourism in Ireland. Our Sustainability Champion, Nuala McCann, has been instrumental in driving these efforts forward, helping us to integrate green practices into our day-to-day operations and ensuring that we are continuously improving.

Educating the next generation

One of the ways we are staying green is through our Bushcraft days, led by Brian Murphy,at the Woodlands school. These immersive experiences allow us to work directly with children and young people, teaching them about sustainability, and how to live and play in the wild. It’s an opportunity for the younger generation to connect with nature while learning practical skills that promote environmental stewardship. By nurturing a love for the outdoors, we are fostering a deep understanding of how our actions can impact the world around us.

Our commitment to sustainability

Our dedication to sustainability doesn’t stop there. We follow a detailed sustainability action plan, a cornerstone of our membership with the Sustainable Tourism Networks Ireland project. This plan guides us as we work to reduce our carbon footprint, promote local biodiversity, and ensure that we are making responsible choices in every aspect of our operations.

In addition, we have recently begun working with Fáilte Ireland on an exciting Climate Action Programme. This collaboration will allow us to further enhance our sustainability practices, ensuring that we continue to lead by example in the adventure tourism industry.

Sharing our journey

On Wednesday, 25th September, as part of CE4RT’s sustainable tourism project, Cavan Adventure Centre will be featured alongside Pádraig Ó Scannláin from Gleann Loic Farmhouse. Nuala McCann will be sharing first hand about what regenerative tourism means on a personal and a professional level and how our sustainability journey is going so far.

It’s a fantastic opportunity for any small business owner who is starting on their own sustainability journey to learn from what we have done at Cavan Adventure Centre. From implementing green initiatives to fostering a culture of environmental awareness, we hope to inspire others to take their first steps toward a greener future.  Another talk, on Wednesday, 2nd October, features Jamie Flannery from Dingle Sea Safari and John Murphy from Portmagee Whiskey as well as Catherine Fleming from Muckross Creamery.

Sustainability is an ongoing process, and we are proud to be playing our part in creating a more environmentally conscious world. Together, we can make a difference.

Register for the talks here:

Wednesday 25th September 10am:

Featured: Pádraig Ó Scannláin from Gleann Loic Farmhouse and Nuala McCann from Cavan Adventure Centre

Wednesday 2nd October 7pm:

Featured: Jamie Flannery (Ó Flannúra) from Dingle Sea Safari, John Murphy (C Eng MIEI) from Portmagee Whiskey and Catherine Fleming from Muckross Creamery.


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